ISO 9001:2015 Certification

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 161 countries. ISO’s mission is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world, with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services.

GEOMET is proud to receive the ISO 9001:2015 certification.

ISO Logo

ISO 9001 is the standard developed by ISO to serve as an international standard for Quality Management Systems. Revised in the year 2015 to address the needs of ever-more demanding customers, the emergence of new technologies, increasingly more complex supply chains and a much greater awareness of the need for sustainable development initiatives.


At GEOMET Recycling, it is our policy to consistently provide scrap metal and services that meet all requirements, is delivered on-time and with zero claims. The management and employees of GEOMET Recycling are committed to becoming a leader in the scrap metal recycling industry through a focus on quality performance, customer satisfaction, teamwork and continual improvement.

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